23 comentários:
Namaskar, Saki R !
Thank You for your precious time and visit !
Volunteer Social Actions take place where it is needed the most...
University Students help in Campaigns for toys, food, blankets for the poor.
We Love to take part in it and know it makes the difference to the ones in greater needs !
Namaskar, Nandhini !
Thank You for your precious time and visit !
Volunteer Social Actions take place where it is needed the most...
University Students help in Campaigns for toys, powered milk, food, blankets for the poor.
We Love to take part in it and know it makes the difference to the ones in greater needs and also in our lives !
Namaskar, Vignesh ! Thank You for your precious time and visit ! Volunteer Social Actions take place where it is needed the most... University Students help in Campaigns for Donations of toys, powered milk, food, blankets for the poor. We Love to take part in it and know it makes the difference to the ones in greater needs and also in our lives
Namaskar, Sindhu ! Thank You for your precious time and visit ! Volunteer Social Actions take place where it is needed the most... University Students help in Campaigns for Donations of toys, powered milk, food, blankets for the poor. We Love to take part in it and know it makes the difference to the ones in greater needs and also in our lives
Namaskar, Abiya ! Thank You for your precious time and visit ! Volunteer Social Actions take place where it is needed the most... University Students help in Campaigns for Donations of toys, powered milk, food, blankets for the poor. We Love to take part in it and know it makes the difference to the ones in greater needs and also in our lives.
Congrats to your great content in your Blog: Cheers to You!
Namaskar, Tessa !
Thank You for your precious time and visit !
Volunteer Social Actions take place where it is needed the most...
University Students help in Campaigns for Donations of toys, food, blankets for the poor.
We Love to take part in it and know it makes the difference to the ones in greater needs !
Dear Tessa, the more we engage, the more we take part in the world we belong...
we can always be of help to the ones in greater needs !
Namaskar, Sindhuja !
Thank You for your precious time, visit and words of encouragement!
Volunteer Social Actions take place where it is needed the most...
University Students help in Campaigns for toys, food, blankets for the poor.
We Love to take part in it and know it makes the difference to the ones in greater needs !
Namaskar, Swethapriya !
Thank You very much for your precious visit, time and encouraging words !
You are very generous...
These Volunteer Social Actions reach out the ones in greater needs...
University Students help with Food Campaigns, Toys for the little ones, blankets for all...
It makes our heart smile while being able to help the society we live !
Thank YOU for the encouragement, Dear!
Namaskar, Priya !
Thank You for your precious time and visit !
Volunteer Social Actions take place where it is needed the most...
University Students help in Campaigns for toys, food, blankets for the poor.
They get repeatedly because we do it all year round.
We give food away, poor people need food every day... these beneficiaries eat in every three days. It is so SAD! Glad we can help...
Every Social Action needs continuity, due to the necessity of the clients.
We Love to take part in it and know it makes the difference to the ones in greater needs as well as in our Lives!
Thank You for your kind invitation.
Currently PhD course takes up most of my free time.
many Blessings to You!
This is a great article, I have been always to read something with specific tips! I will have to work on the time for scheduling my learning.
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Namaskar, Amala !
Thank You for your precious time, visit and words of encouragement!
Volunteer Social Actions take place where it is needed the most...
University Students help in Campaigns for toys, food, blankets for the poor, especially children cancer patients.
We Love to take part in it and know it makes the difference to the ones in greater needs !
We can always start off something similar in our home towns and get friends and co-workers together and start a monthly Campaign either for food supplies, blankets, dipers... the positive energy we get back from doing so fills our hearts with Hope and Joy for doing what's right to help the ones in greater needs !
Thank You for your time and positive Comment, John !
It is very generous of You!!!
When we gather forces towards helping the ones in greater needs, we reach all their needs as far as food supplies, covers for winter times, clothing, toys and powered milk to babies who are in chemotherapy, our target...
my Best and Thank You!,
Prof. Rianelli
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Dear Louis,
Thank You for your precious time and words of encouragement.
Finishing PhD course takes most of time, despite the weekly Charity work...
ASAP will be back with more content. Thank You, again, for your heart warming message.
We all need good inspiring acts of generosity !
thank you for the warming encoragement hope to see more post
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Dear Louis,
Thank You for your precious time and words of encouragement.
Finishing PhD course takes most of time, despite the weekly Charity work...
ASAP will be back with more content. Thank You, again, for your heart warming message.
We all need good inspiring acts of generosity !
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Namaskar,Jazz !
Thank You for your precious time and visit !
Volunteer Social Actions take place where it is needed the most...
University Students help in Campaigns for toys, food, blankets for the poor.
We Love to take part in it and know it makes the difference to the ones in greater needs !
Namaskar, Jazz !
Thank You for your precious time and visit !
Volunteer Social Actions take place where it is needed the most...
We Love to take part in it and know it makes the difference to the ones in greater needs !
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Namaskar, Usha !
Thank you for your kind message, visit and precious time spent here.
Many Blessings your way,
Prof. Rianelli.
Doctoral student
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Gratidão, Murilo !
fazer o Bem, faz Bem !
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vamos ficar felizes em ve-los em #Ação em prol dos menos favorecidos!
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